Can we deliver your bathroom within a week?
Many customers request further information about which tray is the best for their new bathroom. Most of our customers are 50+ looking to renovate their bathroom with quality but mindful they are not getting any younger. They want a bathroom which suits their needs now and into the future. This may mean a walk-in bath or low/level access shower. Adaptec…
DResearch published by the Building Research Establishment (BRE) in 2011 identified four stages within the means testing process: Assess how much the household needs to live on. This is referred to as ‘allowable income’ and is calculated using a set of standard allowances for living costs using basic amounts of income support/pension credit and a flat rate allowance for housing…
Immediately, most people assume a level access shower is for disabled people and senior citizens and generally speaking they would be correct. However, with the market requirement to provide something more than a bathroom that resembles a shower facility at a hospital,manufacturers have designed and delivered products which now can be said to be aesthetically pleasing on the eye. If…
A level access shower can be installed literally anywhere within the home as long as it is practically viable with regards to drainage and ultimately the needs of the user. We have installed level access showers in traditional bathrooms to under stairs cupboards and everything in-between. The job of considering the location of the shower generally falls to the occupational…
The Adaptec Group are now working with Millbrook Healthcare to deliver aids and adaptations to the are of Mole Valley and beyond. Millbrook Healthcare home improvement agency (HIA) and handy person services are dedicated to making suitable, fit-for-purpose adaptations to your home which help you to live more independently. We want you to be involved at all stages of the…
The Adaptec Group are pleased to announce that it has met with Rushmoor Borough Council to offer aids and adaptations to the residents of the borough. Adaptec is in the process of promoting its services to Home Improvement Agencies and Rushmoor is a great fit. Adaptec hope to offer Rushmoor Borough Council its walk-in, level access shower and modular access…
DW Services is now working with Amber Living to provide adaptations. Amber is a company who specialises in providing support and assistance for you and we work to maintain/improve independence in your own home. We are able to offer advice on all matters, concerning your property including the following: Adaptation to property – more on adaptions Maintenance issues – more on maintenance…