Can we deliver your bathroom within a week?
Adaptec Lifestyle gets asked this question weekly….
The short answer is yes but it all depends on the complexity of your bathroom layout and the specification of your chosen bathroom design/products.
We are sure you would agree that although the refurbishment of your bathroom is a stressful, unnerving experience which we could all do without, it is important that it is not rushed and time is taken to ensure you get the bathroom you desire. Therefore, Adaptec would rather take an extra day or two to consider at each stage the most suitable option for your bathroom that best suits your needs now and into the future.
Adaptec have had instructions that have completed changed once the old suite is removed. A different view is given when a room is empty and can provide vital insight into a change in design which creates a better solution.
The question should not necessarily be how quickly can you deliver my bathroom but how long will it take to deliver the very best solution for my needs. This removes the element of needing it done quickly and puts emphasis on doing it properly in a timely manner.
Adaptec know the importance of getting it right, with our own in-house OT (Occupational Therapist) you are in safe hands when designing your bathrooms around a need such as, lack of mobility or unfortunately what comes to us all, the ageing process.
Why not visit our Lifestyle section of the website and download the latest brochure which is full of information on what might best suit your needs – www.adaptecgroup.com/lifestyle